How to check your income reported to Income Tax Department?


Hello friends, in this article we are discussing on the topic how to check your income reported to Income Tax Department. If you are a tax payer then you know that all your incomes in a financial year are reported to Income Tax Department. Your employer reported salary given to you, bank reported about the interest income, share Seller Company reported any profit gain loss and dividend paid to you etc.


But you don’t know which income is reported to income tax department and which is not. In general you should show all of your income in a year at the time of filing ITR. But sometimes you forgot to report all of them but it is reported to income tax department, then your ITR may be defected or rejected.


That is why you need to check your income reported to Income Tax Department in a financial year before filing your ITR. But the question is how to check income in Income Tax portal? You will find the answer of this question in this article. We are discussing the process how to know income information in Income Tax online portal.


How to check your income reported to Income Tax Department:

Before going to check income information in income tax portal you should register on income tax portal first. If you have already registered with Income Tax Portal then follow the following steps.


STEP 1: Go to the website and open the home page of the website.


STEP 2: On the home page of the website you will see ‘Login’ tab on the upper bar of the website. Click on the tab ‘Login’ here.


STEP 3: On this page you are asked to enter your PAN number. Enter your PAN number and then click on ‘Continue’.


STEP 4: On this page you need to trick on the box before the term ‘please confirm your secure access message’ and enter your password. Trick on box and enter your account password. Finally click on ‘continues’.


STEP 5: Now you are logged in to your account. On the upper bar of the page you will find an option ‘AIS’. Click on ‘AIS’ option on this page.


STEP 6: A pop up message will be displayed on the screen. It says that you will be redirected to another portal. Click on ‘confirm’ button under the message.


STEP 7: You will be on the AIS page. Here first of all you will see the instructions and AIS option. Click on the AIS option here.


As you click on the AIS option ‘Annual Information Statement’ option will be appeared. Above the annual information option you will see the financial year. Select your financial year for which you want to see the annual information statement.


You can also download the statement by clicking on the download symbol. Now we click on the ‘Annual Information Statement’ option to view the income statement.


Here on the Part A we see the personal information about Aadhaar number, PAN number, address etc. On the Part B we see the income statement reported to Income Tax Department.


We see the income from salary, income from dividend, share, mutual fund, FD etc.


This is the process how to check annual income reported to Income Tax Department in India. You can watch the following video on this topic. The same process is discussed on this video also.


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