How to buy bike insurance online?


Hello friends, in this article we are discussing on how to buy bike insurance online? If you have a two wheeler and you need to renew its insurance then you can easily do it online.


In today’s time people wanted to do most of the work online. They don’t want to visit offices for the work like banking transaction, insurance, buying ticket etc. In such condition if anyone want to buy two wheeler insurance online then he or she can easily buy it online.


If you are also searching for such questions then read this article till end. Because of we have discussed the process of buying online insurance for two wheelers on the following paragraphs.


How to buy bike insurance online:

In this description we are discussed the process of buying online bike insurance through Now follow the following steps to know the process.


STEP 1: Go to the website and open the home page of the website.


STEP 2: On the home page of policy bazaar website you will see the categories of insurance the website offers. Click on the ‘Two wheeler’ from the categories.


STEP 3: In this page you are asked to enter your two wheeler registration number. Enter the registration number and click on ‘view prices’.


STEP 4: You have to enter some details of your two wheelers. Enter manufacturer, model and variant, registration year, select previous policy expiry and click on ‘Update’.


STEP 5: Now the available plans will be appeared on the screen. You can select the plans in two ways ‘comprehensive cover’ and ‘third party cover only’. Select as per your choice.


Then click on the amount shown against the insurance company of your choice.


STEP 6: You will be redirected to owner details page. Here you will see your name. You are asked to enter your mobile number and email address. Enter both and click on ‘continue to vehicle details’.


STEP 7: You are asked to enter vehicle registration number once again and the vehicle registration date. Enter the both details here.


Here you will see a question ‘Do you remember previous policy details?’ select Yes if you have the previous policy details handy and select ‘No’ if you don’t have the details.


If you select ‘Yes’ you are asked to enter the previous policy expiry date, previous insurer name and previous policy number. Enter the required details.


Another three more questions will also asked here.

“Change in ownership in last one year?” Select Yes or No.

“Have you taken a claim in last year?” Select Yes or No.

“Previous year No claim bonus?” Select 0% if not taken.


Finally click on ‘Verify Premium’.


STEP 8: You will the total premium amount with GST on this page. Agree the terms and conditions and click on ‘Pay Securely’


STEP 9: You will be redirected to the payment page. Pay the amount selecting the payment option of your choice.


STEP 10: In this step you need to complete CKYC. For that you have to enter your PAN number and date of birth. Enter the both and click on ‘Complete CKYC’.


STEP 11: Here you may show CKYC verification failed. If so then click on ‘Upload docs and complete KYC’.


STEP 12: In this page you need to select your identity proof document and enter the number of identity proof document. Enter the details and upload the image of the selected document in JPG or JPEJ or PNG or PDF format.


You also have to select address proof document and enter address proof document number. Enter the details and upload the image.


After completing the required details trick on the box before ‘I have seen & verified document’ and click on ‘Proceed’.


STEP 13: A message ‘Congratulations! Your bike is insured’ will be appeared. You will also see your policy number. You will find a ‘download policy’ button. Click on it and download your policy.


You will also receive the policy on your whatapp and email.


This is the process how to insure bike online. You can watch the following video on this topic.

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