How to download PAN card online?


Hello guys, in this blog we are going to discuss on the topic how to download PAN card online. Suppose you are out from home, you are not carrying your PAN card with you. For some extreme purpose you need your PAN card. In such situations how to download PAN card online?


Many people who have a PAN card don’t know that they can download e-PAN. But you can download PAN card online paying a minimal amount. Many PAN holders don’t know the process of downloading PAN. Therefore we are discussing the process.


How to download PAN card online:

Before going to download e-PAN card online you should keep Aadhaar number handy. Aadhaar and PAN should be linked to download PAN online. Your email and mobile number should also be linked with PAN. If you fulfil the criteria then follow the following steps.


STEP 1: Go to Google and type ‘Download PAN card online’.


STEP 2: Some search results will be appeared on the screen. The first link will be of NSDL services and the second link will be of UTIITSL. If your card is made from NSDL then click on the first link and if it was made from UTIITSL then click on the second link. Here we click on the first link. Because of most of people applied for PAN through NSDL.


STEP 3: Now you will be redirected to the NSDL services page. Here you are asked to select your acknowledgement letter number or PAN number. Select acknowledgement number for those who have recently applied for new PAN, correction on PAN etc.  And the others needs to select PAN number.


We will select PAN here. Enter your PAN number, Aadhaar number, month of birth, year of birth, GSTIN number (optional), give the consent for Aadhaar use for download e-PAN, enter captcha code and click on ‘submit’.


(You will also see an instruction related to payment for e-PAN download. You can download e-PAN for free if you have updated PAN details or allotted PAN within last 30 days. And need to pay Rs.8.26 if the 30 days’ time period is over.)


STEP 4:  In this page you will find your mobile number, email address and your PIN code number. You have to choose where to receive OTP. You can choose mobile number, email address or both for receiving OTP. Choose any one of them, trick on the box before ‘I hereby confirm’ and click on ‘Generate OTP’.


STEP 5: Enter the OTP received on mobile number or email and ‘validate’.


STEP 6: If you have exceeded the 30 days time period from your PAN updating or allotting then you will ask to proceed with paid functionality. Hence click on ‘Paid e-PAN download’ tab.


STEP 7: In this step you have to choose payment gateway. You will find two payment gateway Paytm and Bill desk. Select anyone of them, agree the terms and conditions and click on ‘proceed to payment’.


STEP 8: Your payment amount and transaction Id will be appeared. Click on ‘confirm payment’.


STEP 9: You will be redirected to payment page. In this page you can pay using your debit card, credit card, internet banking, UPI etc. Choose any one of them and complete the payment of Rs.8.26/-  


STEP 10: After successful payment, your payment details will be appeared. Click on ‘continue’.


STEP 11: You will find ‘Download e-PAN PDF’ and ‘Download e-PAN XML’ options. Click on anyone of them and save your e-PAN on your device.


This is the process how to download e-PAN online. You can also watch the following video on this topic.

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